More About the New Orleans Holiday Club.
Holiday celebrations evolve, they morph and mutate as time goes by. People still commemorate (St.) Valentine's Day. The Holiday Club does it in the spirit first intended, as a spiritual feast commemorating a saint and asking for his protection. They do not have a parade, processing with St. Valentine's statue through the streets. To Catholics, St. Valentine was a bishop and he dresses the part. To people-on-the-street, St. Valentine looks like a stupid cupid.
Aside from his feast day being considered a commemoration of courtly love, St. Valentine is also the patron saint of people who suffer from epilepsy and of beekeepers. St. Valentine was associated with romance because that is the day that all the songbirds in the world mate. That is why there are so many fledgeling chicks come April 1st.
Members of the Holiday Club take their holidays seriously. They do not celebrate April Fool's Day. They consider it frivolous.
All this typing has put me in the mood for some Cajun caviar.