Stay In One Place Long Enough.
I was going to Parlay’s today, on Harrison Avenue, but, first, I had to go to the Dollar General on North Broad Street, just past Bienville Street. I am running low on mosquito repellant. This is just a minor detail in my life that is not worth mentioning, but, I had to think about it and I am thinking about it now. You do not need to know, but, what follows is how things went down today.
This is August in New Orleans. The mosquitoes are out. It rains every day.
Man, I am hard-up. I could use a little scratch, and I do not mean that in a zentai way. I am talking about dough. You should become a paid subscriber. My lunches with you don’t pay for themselves. Maybe you find learning about my days worth not only your time, but your money. You will be my friend for as long as you pay me.
I am, as I always like to say, a friend to those who are friendless and an enemy only to those who choose to make me one.
Now, I will talk about the rest of my day.