The Bywater Museum of Unnatural History.
As we like to say in New Orleans, “Howdy.”
I saw a laminated sign posted by a pushpin to the community bulletin board at the Bean Coffee Shop, on the corner of North Carrollton Avenue and Dumaine Street, across Dumaine from my dentist’s office.
Someone had thrown darts at this sign, aiming at the edges. The sweet spots would be the bullseyes formed by the surprisingly untouched o’s. Who aims at a dartboard’s edges? These are people who also enjoy the art of gymkhana.
The person who posted that sign on the community bulletin board probably did it with black-painted fingernails and black lipstick, too. I her. She hangs out at the Goat on St. Bernard Avenue.
The people at the Goat are my people. They stand in the middle of the dance floor and they sway like nobody is watching. They sometimes bust a move, like a serpent devouring an eel. The Goat is what people imagine the Dungeon is like. The problem is, when you don’t know that the Dungeon is no good until you get there. Then, it’s too late.
I should go visit Lucretia tonight. I wonder how she’s been. The problem is, the Goat doesn’t open until 9:00PM. They also like to charge a cover. Cover charges make me break out in hives.
Now, I am going to write my review of the Bywater Museum of Unnatural History for the New Orleans Sun. That will be behind the paywall. You have to be a paid subscriber to read it.