The Original Ruth's Chris Steaks.
Daphne Parker Powell is on Spotify. I have no idea how any of this works but Payson looked her up and he listened to the title track of The Starter Wife on his phone. Remember this name: Daphne Parker Powell. Give her a listen. I am told you can find the whole album on Spotify.
Spotify is what people use instead of the radio. I have no idea how any of this works. People want to meet Daphne. I know I am looking forward to seeing her again. Daphne is like a Dada photograph. She both makes sense to me and not. Daphne is a musician.
Happiness loves company. Daphne puts it slightly differently, with emphasis on the pleasure.
I am trying to decide in what direction to take today’s letter to you. Let us just see what happens. I will need to be moving on today and there is a very long article in the Wall Street Journal that is so dense with information that it is going to be like reading a book.
Let me tell you what Paula had to say.
Paula said, “Hi Matthew, your “long rambling letters” have been one of the highlights of my days. You have a style of writing that speaks to my preferences in many books I read. Also I find them so evocative of the city I love that I feel I’m there. They’re fun, informative , and quirky. I especially love the more food centric rambles. I’d love to read more about your connections with other “characters” of the city, I love your descriptions of them, and want to know more.”
Keep those cards and letters coming folks! What is my email address? Let me look it up. It is Tell me what you wold like to hear about. I have nothing else to do. This is what a flaneur does.
I need to go to Royal Street. I should have done that with Enid while I was in the French Quarter. I want to see the niddy-noddy at M.S. Rau. I wanted to do that today. I hope nobody buys it before I get to see it. Maybe tomorrow. I have nothing else to do that I know of. Tomorrow looks like a cakewalk.
This is New Orleans.
Everyone always comments on how little I eat. I eat like a bird, which as Daphne loves to remind me, is supposed to mean I eat my weight in worms every day, while I mean it like the chickens. My chickens just peck and scratch the dirt all day.
The one with the brown head, I call that one Brownie. The one with the black head, I call that one Blackie. The one with the white head, I call Whitey. They are handsome hens, each one.
I am making plans for a full-on aviary. Mrs. King has the patience of a saint. You have to to live in New Orleans.
Jo-Jo calls the chickens something different. I hear her cooing to them before I put them in the coop for the night. I know she calls one Gertrude. I think that is Brownie but I do not really know. Jo-Jo ignores my wishes. We get along because of our policy of mutual vice-versa. We only talk when our worlds collide, which is always done with affectionate respect.
We have a lot in common.
I need to get moving. I will continue shortly. I do not know where I am going to end up next. A day in New Orleans is just like life, only more so. I am going to talk about the location of the original Ruth’s Chris Steaks, which is around the corner from my house.
Only in New Orleans.