Plum Street Sno-Balls. I was talking to a professional bartender about her recipe for a tobacco syrup-based cocktail that is taking New Orleans by storm. She wrote the recipe for me on a 3x5 rolodex card. I have it in my wallet. She wrote her phone number on the back.
555-555-5555. This bartender’s phone number is none of your business. It is between her an me, an A-B conversation. Tab A, Slot B. See yourself out the door.
Here is the recipe:
1 quart hot water
1 quart sugar
15 grams Reigel’s Blend pipe tobacco
10 grams Cornell & Diehl Epiphany pipe tobacco
Prepare the Tobacco Simple Syrup: Mix together syrup ingredients and cover. Steep for 15–17 minutes. Cool completely. Once cool, pour into a glass container with a lid. Syrup will keep up to 6 months refrigerated.
2 ounces lighter blend scotch
½ ounce Tobacco Simple Syrup* (recipe below)
1 dash Angostura Bitters
1 dash Green Chartreuse
Rim rinse: Single-malt scotch
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