What's it all about?
The French Quarter is the paleopolis. The rest of New Orleans is the neopolis. Old and new intermix. The past is prologue to the present the way the present is prologue to the future. Mysterious signs are everywhere.
What does it all mean?
What’s it all about? I read the Wall Street Journal every day for a reason.
This is New Orleans. An informed citizenry is the bedrock of democracy.
Now, if you will excuse me, I have to talk to Python Lady. She just snapped her fingers to get my attention.
I know you have no idea what I am talking about. Share this message in a bottle with the rest of the internet. You may be helping someone. Be a friend to the friendless.
Maybe, one of the people you share this post with will become a subscriber. Maybe, just maybe, a little rub of New Orleans is the balm that person needs to heal that noisome, bothersome, itchy scab on their soul. New Orleans is a panacea. Time, like love, heals all wounds. Familiarity breeds respect. Live in New Orleans long enough and you will know.
You should subscribe. Free subscribers are nice. You might think I’m foolish but I think paid subscribers are better. They get the better deal. They get what they pay for. Free subscribers get whatever scraps I choose to let drop from the table.
Raisins are highly toxic for dogs. Bread pudding contains raisins. There is nothing more poisonous for dogs than raisins. They cannot eat onions either. They are also color blind.
Imagine a dog’s life. I don’t have to. I live in New Orleans. This is the time and this is the record of the time.